Cultural Intelligence For Business
and Nonprofit Leaders
Cultural problems in the workplace are sometimes hard to identify, because people often have a hard time explaining why they aren’t getting along with colleagues or are struggling. Cultural differences are buried deeply inside us, and are hard to identify. We often make assumptions that everyone is on the same page.
Do you have a multi-cultural team that sometimes has trouble making decisions and communicating?
Do you have cultural self-awareness?
Can you identify which of your behaviors comes from your culture?
Are you comfortable leading people from cultures that are different that yours?
Do you know what your multi-cultural staff needs in leadership?
Do you have the ability to recognize cultural differences that are influencing their behavior?
Are you able to adapt your behaviors with colleagues from other cultures in order to improve communication and collaboration?
Cultural intelligence makes teams more effective, and connects staff across cultural boundaries. It will make your team stronger.
Check out the variety of services you can provide for your team to start building their cultural intelligence.
Don’t forget you can watch a free 20 minute video explaining cultural intelligence and the services of Beyond Tourism at this link.